Every day, we lurk among the top content providers in our industry. And now that you’re reading this sentence, I’m going to ask: would you like to join us? Our team is always looking for new authors and if your idea will challenge readers don’t wait–send it over. Please be aware of what’s required from a writer because these articles are not easy to work with! Once accepted by our editors into the submission queue (wink wink), they get extensive feedback on style and flow from one-on-one critique sessions followed up by revisions during the editing phase so each piece can reach its best potential when published. So start writing
What we’re looking for:
You may submit a rough draft, an outline of your argument with two or three sentences summarizing why it matters to our readers. The more complete you make the submission, the better feedback and critique we can give on where improvements could be made. We do not publish anything that has been published elsewhere (including blog posts). Keep in mind that if what you are submitting is part one of a larger project/argument please provide all parts as well so there isn’t any confusion about context when reading this piece alone.
Articles we publish:
Some articles that we publish may be casual in tone and content. Others are rigorously structured and edited to explore cutting-edge topics within Planting, gardening, global warming. Articles run anywhere from 600–2,500 words depending on subject complexity with 1,500 being about average; all should be well-considered explorations of current situations
The process to submit:
We hope that you’ve been brainstorming your ideas for a while now because the submissions process is about to get real. All right, first things first: email us your submission at support[at]plantsneedco2.org and state what type of writing it is – essay or article abstract, etc.
Please submit your unpublished article to us. An editor will review it and determine whether or not we can accept the submission for publication.
Once you’ve addressed our feedback, send in a revised draft of your work with careful consideration given to the structure, argumentation, style- typical standards that goes into a great article
We’ll schedule you as soon as revisions are complete; after all, I want my readers reading about amazing ideas from fresh perspectives 🙂