Have you ever observed a corn crop? Why do some farmers have wide rows and others have narrow rows? First of all, we need to understand that row spacing doesn’t make much difference for farmers but it does make a significant difference when it comes to the equipment that is going to be used out in the field. If you are growing your crop in a northern area where there is a shorter growing period then you must consider the right spacing to acquire a good yield.
When the rows are close together they trap moisture inside and that moisture brings diseases to them. Thereby it is always recommended to have the required distance among the rows and each plant to get the required sunshine and temperature for their proper growth.
Appropriate spacing permits plants space to investigate for supplements and limits the unfriendly impacts of rivalry from adjoining plants. In many areas of the world, 20 inches and 30 inches are the most widely recognized column spacing considerations for enhanced yield.
Let’s have some background of how row spacing emerged into agriculture!
In the beginning, cornrow spacing was controlled by the space required for livestock to pull hardware between columns. During the 1960s, narrow rows came into existence when researchers showed potential corn yield expansions in 30-inch lines contrasted with 38-inch rows.1 Due to the continuous objective of expanding yield potential for a steadily developing populace, research keeps on looking at the advantages and disadvantages of 30-inch lines for cornrows with more tight spacing.
However, the annual growth ratio of corn cultivation also depends upon the environmental condition of an area. Thereby you should always first test new ideas at small-scale cultivation in order to avoid any threat.
Advantages Of Narrow Row Spacing
Narrow row spacing is ideal to acquire extensive yield per acre. It is measured using 22.5 inches. Below we have shared some of the advantages that you can have while cultivating your corn using narrow spacing.
Equidistance Spacing Treats Them Equally!
It is an ideal spacing to get the required amount of water, nutrients, and sunlight. With narrow spacing, you will be able to minimize the competition among your growing plants while distributing equal amounts of fertilizers.
Improved Weed Control!
A narrow row allows your corn plants to grow and form a sort of canopy that makes a shading & prevents your crop from pests and bugs. This means that you don’t have to spend extra bucks to introduce better weed control.
Less Water Evaporation
Another benefit of having narrow rows is that it protects the soil from getting direct sunlight hence the moisture remains for a longer period inside the soil. Direct sunlight quickly evaporates the moisture inside the spoil.
Using Farm Equipment
If your corn plants are cultivated using narrow rows allow you to install a single planter for multiple crops. This means that you can use your planter efficiently if you have narrow row spacing.
Increased Potential Yield
Narrow spacing allows you to cultivate 45000 corn plants per acre which would ultimately double your per acre yield compared to twin spacing that allows 30000 per acre yield.
Disadvantages Of Narrow Spacing
Narrow row spacing does have some disadvantages too. Let’s discuss them in detail.
- Narrow rows bring some moisture inside the canopy that sometimes causes diseases.
- It is sometimes hard to apply mechanical cultivation when you have narrow row spacing.
- You need extra bucks to transform your field into a narrow spacing type.
Twin Row Spacing Type
The second widely used type comes after narrow spacing in the twin-row spacing type. Twin lines have a 30-or 38-inch focus column, which is flanked by twin lines that are 7.5 inches separated and synchronized to have a uniform three-sided spacing. The advantages of twin-row spacing are like those of the narrow row spacing. For cotton producers, twin line separating permits corn and soybeans to be planted in twin lines with a similar gear used to plant cotton in a solitary column arrangement with negligible hardware issues.
What You Should Go For?
According to one of the studies conducted by Monsanto Learning Center shows that 30 inches twin-row and 36-inch single-row spacing both have out-yielded 15 and 30 inches of single row cultivation during three years from 2008 to 190.
Choosing a plant spacing also depends upon the type of product you are going to cultivate. Before picking a spacing make sure to check out your type and its features to get a better idea.
You can also contact your seed production authority to get their advice on the type you are going to cultivate. Beside this, your area’s overall climate and your farm’s environment do need your consideration before making any final decision.
As we have mentioned above, you are recommended to try it on a small portion before generalizing. Especially if you are planting corn for the first time and you are going to cultivate a huge area then you must start experimenting on a small portion.
Wrap Up
Spacing is no doubt an important factor to consider before cultivating corn or any other type of crop. Spacing has a significant impact on your overall growth per acre. If you choose the right spacing according to your environment then it will provide you the best upshots in terms of production. Additionally, it also depends upon the availability of your gear union. If you have planar and big machines to harvest crops then narrow spacing can prove to be your best choice to get the job done precisely.